Friday, February 22, 2013

Blessings in Disguise

Alone in the house and I found myself writing my To Do’s for the next two months. It’s funny because I just had an operation two days ago. I had a D&C (raspa) due to my second miscarriage/pregnancy L

As I look back on what happened, it still makes me sad but it no longer breaks me. In my 34 years of existence I have learned some very good lessons such as “don’t cry over spilled milk”, “this too shall pass”, “grief melts away like snow in May, as if there’s no such cold thing” and that “life is just a matter of acceptance.”

A week before we found out about the baby’s heartbeat, I was reading the book of Ed Lapiz entitled “PEACE” (It is a must read book)!

Honestly, I had those moments wherein I ask God why. But in addition to the “why’s”, there’s always the “I trust you God and I know you know what’s best. You are perfect. You never make mistakes.” We cannot lie to God, He knows our thoughts. So, when you are going through something painful, be honest to God, cry out to Him if you want to but never doubt Him, never ever doubt His Love.

Another thing that we can do is to look at the big picture. We have to remind ourselves that this life is just temporary. We are just passing through and this is not our Home. As long as we are on this earth, bad things will happen. It doesn’t exempt us (Christians) from these things because we still live in this sinful world.

The bible says “His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. His ways are higher than our ways.” So, when we don’t understand (and most of the time we will not), let just TRUST. Let us trust the Lord that He knows what He is doing.

With this in mind, I have learned to look at the good things about the whole situation. And true enough, when you try to look for it, you will find a lot of blessings in disguise.

Below is a song from Laura Story entitled “Blessings.” This song pretty much describes what I feel all throughout this painful situation and I hope we can all find blessings through our tears!

Someday, our baby Raven will come and it will be an awesome day! :D